tips to crack

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11 Tips to Crack English Section of IBPS PO Prelims

Dear IBPS PO Candidates,
After getting huge readership on 10 TIPS to CRACK IBPS PO in 10 days article yesterday, we were yet again flooded with requests for ‘Tips’ to attempt and crack individual sections of IBPS PO Prelims – English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning.
So, we have decided to publish a series of 3 articles for Individual sections with detailed explanations on how to approach a particular section.
As we highly recommended in our previous article for you to begin with English section,  here we are with “Tips and Tricks” to solve English Section for you to ace the test.
This is one section that gets mixed responses from candidates depending upon their educational background and preparation level. For some, this is an easy task but for others, this section becomes  a nightmare and biggest hurdle to clear the sectional  cut-offs.
We are bring you the detailed analysis of the English section for your perusal,
1. There will be 30 questions in the English Section of IBPS PO Prelims Exam with questions from sub section divided as follows:
Reading Comprehension 10
Cloze Test5
Sentence Correction5
Spot the error5
Fill in the blanks5
Para jumbles5
2. We reiterate that if you feel you have a command over English then this should be the starting section for IBPS PO. You can finish it within 10-15 minutes.
3. For those, who feel that English is not their forte i.e. it is average, we would still recommend that you should start your  IBPS PO exam with this section. Try to read carefully and avoid small mistakes. Remember to be extra cautious with Para jumbles. If you are not too sure about a problem, it is better to leave it. If you attempt 17+ questions in this section with good accuracy, you will be able to clear the sectional cut off without much trouble. The maximum time spent on this section should be 15 minutes.
4. If you feel that your English is really weak, then and then only you should attempt it after the Reasoning and Quantitative sections. Try to solve as many questions in the above mentioned sections as you can to clear overall cut-off even if you score less in English. Since, it’s your weakest section, don’t save more than 15 minutes for this section. Aim to get 12+ questions right. Plan ahead to figure out which sections do you regularly score well in English . Based on our analysis, we recommend you to avoid Para jumbles. Instead attempt Fill in the blanks, cloze test and Sentence correction question. Once you are done with them, attempt vocabulary questions from Reading Comprehension. This would be enough to clear the sectional cut-offs.
Topic Wise Tips
5. Reading Comprehension: It’s generally suggested to read the paragraph first and then the questions in RC section. But on a computer screen, it doesn’t make much sense as you can’t underline the important information. Hence, in order to saver time and increase accuracy, we recommend that you have a cursory look at the questions first and then go through the passage. This ensures that while reading the passage you exactly know as to what is being asked, answer it correctly and go on to the next question. Now for the synonym/antonym and vocabulary questions of RC, first read the questions carefully and then identify the sentence in which the word is present and read it once. Then, have a look at your options and trust your intuition to answer the question i.e. the first choice that props up in your mind is the most probable answer.
6. Cloze Test: One paragraph with numbered blanks. These questions are easy and help you improve your performance. If you are confused between two options, then move onto to the next question, solve it and come back to the question where you are confused. You will now have a better idea about the correct choice.
7. Fill in the blanks: Go with the elimination rule and you can easily solve this section by eliminating options and getting them down to 50-50 choice. Again, trust your instinct for choosing between the two options.
8. Spot the error /Sentence Correction: Eliminate options by reading the sentence and asking yourself “Does this sound right?”
What to do in last Week for improving score in English section 
9. Pick up an e book(fictional/non fictional), newspaper or journal which is just above your current level of reading. Keep a dictionary handy. Spend around an hour or so daily for this activity. Not only will it improve your speaking skills, it will also help increase your reading speed which comes in VERY handy while attempting any competitive exam, especially IBPS PO where your race is against time. Faster reading speed can make a critical difference in clearing the cutoff since it enables you to read more questions in stipulated time. Besides the above mentioned benefits, reading the newspaper drastically improves your general knowledge. Try reading most of the things on a computer or laptop screen. It will make your eyes and body accustomed to a computer screen where you have to write the exam finally. The above activity will help you in all the sections especially in RC .
10 Listen to speeches or watch movies and/or documentaries with subtitles. This increases knowledge of spoken english and comes in handy while attempting sentence completion and parajumbles. Do it for 30 minutes daily.

11. Talk to people in English. You may feel sluggish and shy at first and will make lots of mistakes but you will soon discover that with more talking, your confidence as well as your accuracy is increasing. This increased confidence will help build up the trust in your intuition and save you precious minutes while attempting the English section of IBPS PO Prelim exam.
So folks, these were the tips for preparing the English Section of IBPS PO Prelim. For Tips on Reasoning and Quantitative Sections keep checking our bulletin. We will publish them soon.
We agree that we might have been unable to cover all your queries in the above tips, so feel free to shoot your questions in the comments section below and we will be more than happy to answer them! Share these tips with your friends and get their good wishes! All the best. God Bless you.
IBPS PO Crash Course

good luck

take care of these things
  • IBPS has released results for PO/Clerk. From past few days I am posting success stories of many candidates who got the. I noticed few habits that were common among all of them, today I am sharing those habits :-

    Hard work

They read current affairs daily

  • They read current affairs daily and then revise their GK by reading monthly GK Digest. It's a bad idea to avoid daily current affairs updates and read them just a week before the exam.

    You can revise current affairs by downloading GK Quiz that is posted daily on BankExmasToday.

They prefer Self-study over Coaching institutes

  • Believe it or not, passing percentage of  candidates doing self-study is much higher than people who are attending classes at coaching institutes. 

    You need to understand that nobody can teach you the whole banking syllabus within 60 classes (spread over 3 months). 

    Yes it is possible to prepare for banking exams within 3 months, but for those who have a strong hold on English language. Those who don't feel comfortable in reading long newspaper editorials, will face difficulty in cracking banking exams.

They know what to read

  • If you are failing again and again in numerous competitive exams then you are following wrong books. The books you are following might not be preparing you for a difficult paper or they are solving questions in a lengthy way.

    These successful people don't afraid of wasting a few hundred bucks on a unknown book or ebook, they just go for it. 

They love Newspapers

  • Talk to any expert, the very first you will get is - Read Newspaper.

    How many of you took this seriously ?

    Many of you started purchasing newspaper, but after 3-4 days you lost interest. Then you started reading newspapers online. 

    While reading online nobody reads properly because they don't have time and there are infinite things you can do on your smartphone. In fact your "Smartphone" don't let you to concentrate on news site.

    If my words made your mind to start reading newspapers then read "The Hindu" or "Indian Express".

    I personally read "Indian Express". Yes I know "The Hindu" is better in terms of content quality but I have been reading Express from past many years. It's your turn to fall in love with a newspaper of your choice. 

They are active on social media and blogs

  • While replying emails and comments on various platforms I learn few names people who regularly ask variety of questions. I am surprised that all of them got the jobs. These people were active on social media, forums and blog comments


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